Tuesday, March 6, 2007

D2C Games Launch Party


So I went to D2C games' launch party tonight at the LJ Martini Bar in the Metreon. Tomorrow I will be attending GDC for the afternoon/evening. I have an appointment with Epic and then some Aussie BBQ at the W Hotel. I met a few people in the industry, one was a writer for the Washington Examiner, another was a video game programmer that is finishing up school. I met the founder of this company that comes up with video game ideas. I said hello to the few people that I know at D2C. These events are always a bit weird because I'm not really in the industry yet, and being in school doesn't really help me when it comes to talking business. I'm always discussing my future plans.

Although I am technically writing for Gamersinfo.net, I can count myself as press. :) I'm also looking forward to seeing Video Games Live again on Friday. I saw it last year at the San Jose Convention center, this time it's at the Nob Hill Masonic Center. Koji Kondo will be there so that'll be exciting! He's the composer for the Super Mario and Zelda games. A legend in the video game industry, next to Nobuo Uematsu. Tommy Tallarico who produced the show has been nice enough to keep in touch with the fans, so he responded to my request to set up an interview. I don't know when yet, probably will have to wait until all the fuss dies down.

I can't wait until next quarter since I will be taking a lot of writing classes, and then comes the summer where I'll be interning at D2C Games hopefully. I am pretty excited, I just need to get through the next couple of weeks and finish up this quarter.

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